About Me

I am a wife, work at home Mom, homeschooler to my 5 year old son, diaper-changer to my twins who will be 1 in October, Domestic Diva, Artist, & Chinese Medicine Practitioner ... who just happens to be Vegan ! I will be using the blog as much as I have time for as an outlet to vent, exclaim victory, and share family stories of events involving food. It's tough being Vegan in a Non-Vegan world ... even more tough living in Houston, Texas. Join me in sharing ideas, tips, recipes, etc. to make our lives a bit easier !

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

Okay so now it's February and 2008 has gotten off to an interesting start. A week after I wrote my last entry we (Me + Husband + Son) made a sudden move to San Marcos, Texas. It's only 30 miles from the part of Austin we were living in but nonetheless it was a sudden and welcome change of pace.

The first two weeks here was full of home-cooked food and online research as to local restaurant options. After eating out a couple times and discovering that Chipotle was the best Vegan option we have gone back to the kitchen to tweak some favorite recipes. We have discovered some great "finds" here like The Cornucopia Health Food Market & (believe it or not) H.E.B.'s Healthfood Isle at the larger of the 2 H.E.B.'s in town.

The other pleasant surprise has been the library here ... it's nice to have just one in a great location versus dozens all over the place. Plus, they had a couple Vegan cookbooks to check out and that has been helpful with recipe ideas. Since the last entry I have also discovered Isa Chandra Moskowitz and The Post Punk Kitchen in my online searching and am in AWE. :) As soon as I can talk the library into purchasing her books I am all over that ... although I will most likely find them on sale first it would be nice to know they are there and that others can benefit from them as well.

That's all for now but I know that I will have time again soon to write more regarding this wonderful lifestyle !

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