About Me

I am a wife, work at home Mom, homeschooler to my 5 year old son, diaper-changer to my twins who will be 1 in October, Domestic Diva, Artist, & Chinese Medicine Practitioner ... who just happens to be Vegan ! I will be using the blog as much as I have time for as an outlet to vent, exclaim victory, and share family stories of events involving food. It's tough being Vegan in a Non-Vegan world ... even more tough living in Houston, Texas. Join me in sharing ideas, tips, recipes, etc. to make our lives a bit easier !

Vegan Blog Tracker


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's Been a While !

Ok so once again it's been a good while since my last entry.
It's not that I haven't eaten some amazing Vegan food ... or that I haven't faced struggles living in Houston, TX as a Vegan ... but just that LIFE has happened and writing a blog entry has fallen to the bottom of my list. :)

I am writing today (briefly) about a late-night episode of Good Eats! (Food Network) I watched recently on the topic of Avocados ... Curious Yet Tasty Avocado Experiment.

My mind always starts in with questions of "what could I substitute?" so when Alton Brown started talking about looking at an avocado as one would an egg both my husband and I snapped to and eagerly watched !

The recipe I have decided to try my hand at today is the Avocado Ice Cream. I have prepared the base using soy milk in place of the whole milk and soy cream in place of the heavy cream.

I have added a salted caramel syrup made from:
1 cup of light brown sugar
1 cup of soy cream
1 tsp Maldon sea salt (flakes)

I will post the results asap. :)

1 comment:

veggiecnc said...

Ok so the results were less than stellar ! The texture was fine but I think my avocados were too "green" ... and tasted that way! LOL :) I will give it a go again sometime.